Tuesday, August 2, 2011

concern, a concern, the concern

I'm trying to understand where these people are coming from. I've  realized that I'm dense when it comes to a lot of things. I'm not intuitive, I don't do hints, so I try to tell the people around me to just give it to me straight. I think for the most part, I've learned to be more straight forward when I was in New Zealand, because people there can sometimes be brutally honest, but I appreciated it, no bs or whatsoever.

I just wish...people wouldn't bring up a concern just when everything has piled up. I mean, I guess we can bring it up when everything's piled up, but I just find it rather unfair when these people immediately make conclusions about the situation, or expect the people concerned to just simply understand. I mean, come on, give them a break, you are after all just bringing this up just now.

I'm not very fond of confronting either, but I do when I really have to, so I suck it up. I'm not saying that people should immediately voice out there concerns once it's bothering them. I mean, sure, we all need time to think things through, and to be able to properly say it, but when you do confront the people concerned, keep in mind that they are most probably hearing this for the FIRST TIME.

So it's not fair for you to expect that person to understand, nor for you to make conclusions just like that. So let's say you did let it pile up, because maybe you didn't know it would keep bothering you, it's fine if you still bring it up. Just don't expect people to simply understand, or don't just make conclusions about them right away, because once again, these people are most probably hearing this concern for the FIRST TIME.

However, if you decide to never bring up the concern, and just keep it all to yourself, then that's fine too, but don't expect people to understand you. That's your responsibility. Either you bring it up, so people can work it out, or you don't and forget about it.

I keep saying "concern", hahaha. Yeah, I noticed. Let's put something here, so that I may end on a lighter note.


I shall keep calm, and light my saber.

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