Tuesday, February 21, 2012

few thoughts before studying for Work Soc

I know, I should be studying. Just want to share a few thoughts before I read my Laborem exercens...
Been pondering a lot about love in friendship. Not the romantic kind of love (sorry folks, haha), but real hardcore love (not that that doesn't exist in romantic love), where you love even when the person stops reciprocating that love that you used to know...

And well... THAT'S TOUGH. And admittedly, I am very "self-preservative", if there is such a term. Usually, in times like these, I go to plan B, which is also called, plan "self-preservation." Selfish huh, pretty darn selfish. Anyway, Sunday service last Feb 19th really spoke to me. Thanks a lot Pastor Larry, hahaha. No really, thank you... Guess I needed to hear that.

I didn't really take down notes that day, but there were two things that hit me...

1. The whole feeling of self-entitlement, and the role of humility
That well... Should not exist. I guess we do have certain expectations from certain people, especially those very dear to us, that when they don't follow through with what we've expected from them...We get utterly disappointed... Then there's that thing about humility, and how humility is not about what that person deserves, but about putting that persons needs above yours, whether he/she deserves it or not...

2. The difference between like and love.
Pastory Larry mentioned how it's so easy to like something or someone, because it's somehow connected to us, such as, the way I like icecream... I like it coz it tastes really good, and it's awesome, and lalala... Or the way I like Shia LaBeouf, coz he's attractive, funny... Haha. The point is, it's very...self satisfying..? It's more for my benefit, more about me, more for me, than for the sake of the other. And love is the opposite of that. It's a choice that you make, and something you choose to do, no matter how despicable or "undeserving" that person is of love... And well, none us deserves to be loved, but HE CHOSE TO LOVE US. He chose to love all of us. And so... I've got no right not to love... people.

I know this is something a lot of us know. Something I've been told even way back in Sunday school. But this is something I constantly have to learn. Guess the whole lecture on loving never gets old, haha.

I joined another school play. My character, named Beatrice has this line, which I realized is something I would indirectly say when I'm just too hurt or disappointed, and that is,

"It isn't my business to have heartaches"

Not that I can relate to her entirely, but her mode of thinking, the way she reprimands herself, is most of the time, something that I do. And this usually leads me to wanting to detach myself from the situation. But God's teaching me how to love. So... help me God, ahahaha.

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