What started out as a simple suggestion to Jeremiah to take us scuba diving, turned out to be an intensive crash course (like aim to get your license type of thing) on how to properly scuba dive. I remember when we were just talking about the whole thing: Jeremiah was just showing me videos of him and his family underwater, Kuya Api was talking to him about some business plans, Kuya Mike simply saying that his game to join, and me (quite hesitantly, as I needed to see how much this was going to cost me) saying yes. Next thing I knew, Jerem was handing us out materials to study (although I wasn't able to really study them, haha), and a date was set.
My dive buddies. |
So yesterday was that day. Got picked up by Kuya Api and Jeremiah a wee bit before 5am, met up with Kuya Mike at GCF, and we were off. The moment we were at the car, I had half a mind of catching up on sleep, but Jerem was already orienting us on what to do, and asking us scuba dive questions (on which I found myself guessing half the time, haha).
Scuba diving is so UNREAL. I guess I just never thought that I'd see so many varieties of fish. I mean, duh, it is the ocean. But I always thought that you'd have to go to either Palawan or Cebu to see all that. But here we were at Anilao, Batangas (still a long drive from Manila, but not as far off), seeing all these fish.
Jerem was right. He said that when he first went scuba diving, his only regret was that he should have done this a long time ago (parang naman ang tanda na niya, haha). But I think that's what won me. I just couldn't pass off an opporturnity such as this. By opportunity, I mean, being taught by a friend who's a licensed instructor, and going with a crazy, gutsy group.
There is a point to this post. Other than learning how to properly scuba dive, I was also reminded about some other important things:
There's no harm in trying.
"Just try, try. You'll never know unless you try." That's what my dad's always been telling me. To just try and see if it's for me, or if it's something I'd like to do. I think I have been doing that. Taking my MA in English is one proof it (but that's something I really need to finish, and not just try, haha). But I think this year, in particular, I've generally been more intentional with trying stuff. I remember a conversation with one of my high school friends, Leandro. He said, "we're at an age, where we can afford to make mistakes." So I say, yeah, try stuff guys, just try. You'll never know unless you try. BUT PLEEEEASE, WITHIN REASON of course, haha. I've got friends near my age, who talk as if that's all there is for them. And I've thought about that countless of times. But don't settle my dear friends, you'll never know unless you try.
Before heading out to dive. Sabi ni Jeremiah, picture daw habang masaya at buhay pa kami, hahaha. |
There's much to be learned in fear.
So we dove twice. The first one was pretty good, and not as deep. The current was pretty okay, and I thought that that was just amazing. The second time, around after lunch, we were dealing with stronger currents, planning to go down a whole lot deeper, and when were just by the shore, I was already hesitating. I had so many thoughts, like how I was going to carry my diving tank, how I was going to swim to the place with all the current, and if I was going to be able to equalize on time. Plus, there were these steps descending and ascending steps that we needed to remember. Too many thoughts, too many things happening all at once, that when we descended, I had to signal to George, the Dive Master in that place, that I wanted to go up. I figured I might as well surface up before we get any deeper (as it is not advisable to ascend to quickly). Anyway, the other three were ahead of me, and I just... needed.. to think.
Want to know my thoughts? Haha...
Ang yabang mo kasi eh, oo lang ng oo, tingnan mo tuloy... What was I thinking... I wish Jeremiah was here... So what if I'm behind, I just want to get out of here... Guhh, if I don't go, they're going to be talking about their time underwater, and I wouldn't know... Sayang naman kung hindi ako bumaba...
At the same time, George (whom the guys have deemed my warrior/drill sergeant), was telling me to just go down, as it will be a whole lot calm under. And when I couldn't respond, he gave me an ultimatum: either we go down, or we go back to the shore, coz it's not good to be on the surface with all the current. And so I said... After calming myself a lil bit, and psyching myself out, that I was going to go... Descend the deep blue sea. And true enough, going down was rough, with all the waves, everything was just blue, I was equalizing and looking at George half the time. But when we got deep, everything was calm, and there was beauty once again.
From left to right, George, Jeremiah, Kuya Api, and Kuya Mike. |
Thankfully, I don't know how George did it, we caught up with Jeremiah, Kuya Api, and Kuya Mike. The moment we spot them, Jerem was so happy, that he gave me a hug. I was giving him the peace sign (on which he could not get) to signal my apology for the delay. And off we were, deeper than deep. We spot a boat wreck, school of fish, corals... I wish I could properly name all the things I saw under, and I wish I had an underwater camera, but let me just say that the ocean is so beautiful.
A calm leader can calm a fearful follower
Jerem asked me what was going in my head when I was at the surface. He asked if I would have preferred that he was there, or was it okay that I was left with George. I told him that I remember thinking of asking George to get him, but then that would have been too much to ask. Other than being such a good coach, one thing that I really appreciated with Jeremiah was how calm and collected he was. Amidst the current in the surface, and the deep blue sea, Jerem was as calm as a cucumber. When I feel out of control, I just look at Jerem, and I feel A-okay. I think being with a gutsy group helped me a whole lot. They said that for a first timer diver, I actually already did a lot, but I think that I wouldn't have done what I did if I didn't have a crazy and gutsy group.
Jeremiah says I was inventing a new sign underwater by doing this. I said it was a peace sign to say that I'm sorry, haha. |
So that's my take on scuba diving.
Go for it. But you have to be committed, because once you're deep underwater, you cannot just immediately surface up (as that would be even more dangerous). But I say it's worth it. It helps to get out of the city every now and then, to be reminded of how there's more to life than having the latest gadgets, catching the big sale, having high speed internet, going to the biggest parties, etc.
We've got such a creative God, who simply created this beautiful world in 6 days. I haven't even seen everything, and I'm already so amazed, what more if I go farther and further? Today I woke up exhausted... And grateful for God's protection... Because... That was just insane, hahaha. Definitely doing this again, next time with an underwater camera, and hopefully get licensed in the near future. Not that this was really on my bucket list, but I'm really glad that I can cross this out on things I haven't done. Plus, I no longer have to wonder, and really worry what it's like to be deep under the sea, coz I've already done it.
The ocean is beautiful you guys, let's be more mindful, and take great care of it.